
Economic Development in India Dr. D. Adeppa ISBN NO-978-93-88808-01-9

Economic Development in India The Economic Development in India followed socialist inspired politicians for most of its independent history, including state-ownership of many sectors; India 's per capita income increased at only around 1% annualised rate in the three decades after its independence. Since the mid-1980's, India has slowly opened up its markets through economic liberalisation . After more fundamental reforms since 1991 and their renewal in the 2000's, India has progressed towards a free market economy .

Plants Of Yogi Vemana University ISBN NO-978-93-88808-00-2

Plants Of Yogi Vemana University Botanical gardens are living repositories of indigenous and exotic, cultivated and wild plants. It is a place where a wide variety of plants and cultivated for scientific,educational, and ornamental purposes, often including a library, a herbarium, and greenhouses. Botanic gardens serve as a living repository for plants of the regional and local area. They display and exhibit various plant species of conservation concern. Gardens useful in maintaining plant collections for the purpose of dispaly, education, research, conservation, and enjoyment.They are intended to communicate the importance of plant biodiversity to students, researchers and other walks of life and address the present and future needs for training, education, institution building, and research. They are the hub for publicing and promoting environmental education. They are the refugee for threatened flora.

Paradigm Shifts In Management Practices R. Ramesh ISBN NO-978-81-939248-9-1

Paradigm Shifts In Management Practices A paradigm shift in business process management is the understatement of the century! Every business owner or manager not only knows this fact, but has experienced the results of the “shift” up close. Consequently, the paradigm shift in business process management has transformed the business world drastically, that few could imagine just ten years ago. A paradigm shift is when a fundamental and/or monumental change or disruption occurs in current processes, models or perceptions. In other words, a monumental adjustment in norms, standards, thinking, patterns and set values, etc. These paradigm shifts have frightened some business owners to the point of departing from the world of business. However, many other entrepreneurs perceived the “shift” as opportunities and have, therefore, founded new types of businesses that led to even greater paradigm shifts. One of the radical paradigm shifts has been in business pr...

Innovations in Mechanical Engineering Dr. H.S. Saini ISBN NO-978-81-939248-8-4

Innovations in Mechanical Engineering   Mechanical engineering is a diverse subject that derives its breadth from the need to design and manufacture everything from small individual parts and devices (e.g., microscale sensors and inkjet printer nozzles) to large systems (e.g., spacecraft and machine tools). The role of a mechanical engineer is to take a product from an idea to the marketplace. Mechanical engineering deals with anything that moves, including the human body, a very complex machine. Mechanical engineers learn about materials, solid and fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, heat transfer, control, instrumentation, design, and manufacturing to understand mechanical systems. Specialized mechanical engineering subjects include biomechanics, cartilage-tissue engineering, energy conversion, laser-assisted materials processing, combustion, MEMS, microfluidic devices, fracture mechanics, nanomechanics, mechanisms, micropower generation, tribology (frictio...

Public Economics Dr. K. Krishna Reddy ISBN NO-978-81-939248-6-0

Public Economics Major areas of public economics include the economics of public expenditure, of taxation to pay for that expenditure, and of policy and programs broadly-defined. Faculty and students of public economics at CSU are engaged in dynamic research in a wide array of timely public policy topics related to health, immigration, education, tax policy, and the welfare state, and often provide advice to policymakers at various levels of government. Courses and research often share commonalities and complementarities with other applied fields such as regional economics, environmental economics and economic development, and therefore the field is a natural one to combine with other major areas of study at CSU. Classes review classic and recent literature and aim toward expanding analytics to original research that is relevant to economic policy.

International Terrorism And Women Trafficking -Challenges And Policy Options ISBN NO-978-81-939248-7-7

InternationalTerrorism And Women Trafficking -Challenges And Policy Options In Human Rights Watch's documentation of Trafficking in women , we have found that while the problem varies according to the context, certain consistent patterns emerge. Furthermore, while our research has focused on the trafficking of women and children into the sex industry, reporting from numerous credible sources shows similar patterns in the trafficking of women, men, and children into forced marriage, bonded sweatshop labor, and other kinds of work. In all cases, the coercive tactics of traffickers, including deception, fraud, intimidation, isolation, threat and use of physical force, and/or debt bondage, are at the core of the problem and must be at the center of any effort to address it. In a typical case, a woman is recruited with promises of a good job in another country or province, and lacking better options at home, she agrees to migrate. There are also ca...

Empirical Studies in Social Science Research Dr.Addelli Ravinder ISBN NO-978-81-939248-5-3

Empirical Studies in Social Science Researc h S cientific research operates at two levels: a theoretical level and an empirical level. The theoretical level is concerned with developing abstract concepts about a natural or social phenomenon and relationships between those concepts (i.e., build “theories”), while the empirical level is concerned with testing the theoretical concepts and relationships to see how well they reflect our observations of reality, with the goal of ultimately building better theories. Over time, a theory becomes more and more refined (i.e., fits the observed reality better), and the science gains maturity. Scientific research involves continually moving back and forth between theory and observations. Both theory and observations are essential components of scientific research. For instance, relying solely on observations for making inferences and ignoring theory is not considered valid scientific research. Depending on a researche...